

Last Wednesday I found out that I will be going to Guatemala with my college ministry back home! I went 2 years ago and had an awesome expereince! I am so excited that I will get to go back. I am looking foward to seeing the children that I meet 2 years ago, especially Moises (the boy who stole my heart)! We will be at a children's home called Casa Para Ninos. It is similar to the ministry that we were with in Honduras, except that Casa is like an orphange. However, most of the children at Casa are not orphanges. The children are placed there by the courts becuase of abusive situations, their parents are unable or don't want to take of them, or the children come there voluntarily becuase they know that they will get 3 meals a day, an education, clothes, and a place to stay. While we are there we will do any kind of labor or maintainence work that needs to be done around the campus and we may have the opportunity to go into a community a build a pastor's home (there maybe more concrete in my future). I think that through the Honduras mission trip and now Guatemala, God is preparing my heart for missions. I can't wait to see where He leads me. Please pray for our team while we are there (May 12-18)!